Category Archives: Political

Illinois Equal Marriage Advocates Plan March on Springfield Oct 22

A day after more
than one million gathered to celebrate Pride in Chicago at a parade
dominated by calls for equal marriage, marriage advocates in Illinois
have announced further details for the March on Springfield for Marriage
Equality on Oct. 22.

The march will be organized by a group of co-chairs drawn from a
diverse cross-section of Illinois’ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
and queer communities. Among the 13 statewide co-chairs announced today
are 6 women and 7 men with diverse ethnic, racial, religious, and
professional backgrounds. The March on Springfield, set for the first
scheduled day of the legislature’s fall veto session, will operate
separately and alongside efforts by Illinois Unites, the broad coalition
of more than 50 organizations working to pass equal marriage in
Illinois, as well as with grassroots activist groups.

“Marriage equality is supported by a majority of Illinoisans and has
new urgency given actions by the U.S. Supreme Court last week,” the new
group of co-chairs said in a joint statement. “When the Supreme Court
struck down DOMA, married couples in 13 states and the District of
Columbia gained benefits that are denied to people in Illinois. On Oct. 22,
we call on Illinoisans from every walk of life and from every district
to come to Springfield and demand full equality for everyone in our

The group also announced early details on how corporations, small
businesses, and volunteers can get involved in the effort to get people
to Springfield. These include crowd sourced funding through an IndieGogo
campaign to be launched next week, specially priced bus rentals, and a
business partnership campaign to facilitate broad-based participation by
companies and their employees in the March. To learn how your
organization or company can get involved, visit the Facebook page, email or call (773) 387-2394.

March on Springfield co-chairs include:

  • Solomon Arnold: College student, media personality, and HIV/AIDS educator in the African American house ball community.
  • Tracy Baim:
    Journalist, filmmaker, author, Co-vice chair of the Chicago Gay Games
    and publisher is publisher of Windy City Times newspaper.
  • Kevin Boyer:
    Marketing professional, community organizer, former Co-vice chair of
    the Chicago Gay Games, and co-chair of GLAAD Chicago’s Leadership
  • Buff Carmichael: Longtime media professional, former publisher of the Prairie Flame, and activist in Springfield.
  • Brandy Donaldson: Rock Island-based media professional and activist within the African American lesbian community.
  • Emmanuel Garcia:
    Latino youth activist working with Association of Latin Men for Action,
    Crossroads Fund, Chicago’s largest queer youth prom and Cicero’s LGBT
  • Brent Holman-Gomez: Activist working within the welcoming church movement, immigration equality, and international LGBTQI organizations.
  • Kim Hunt: Executive Director of Affinity, an African American LBT women’s group, who was also an organizer of the Chicago Gay Games.
  • Naomi Lahiri:
    Queer feminist with expertise in Asian issues, outreach for trans*
    people of Asian descent, immigrant issues, and domestic violence
  • Alexis Martinez:
    Transgender activist working on cross-generation work, the Dyke March
    plus Latino, living wage, education and healthcare issues.
  • Chris Mullins: Activist and LGBT rights advocate and Chair of Lambda Legal’s Chicago Leadership Council
  • Edith Nieves: Long-time activist on union, lesbian, sports and Latina issues; runs Sisters 4LGBTQ Community, a lesbian social network.
  • Max Smith:
    Activist for four decades especially focused on African American men
    and religious issues, and as a member of Adodi, an African-American
    men’s organization.

About the March
The March on Springfield for Marriage Equality will take place on Oct. 22, 2013,
the scheduled first day of the fall veto session of the Illinois state
legislature. The “March on Springfield” is part of a broad grassroots
strategy to secure final passage of Senate Bill 10, the “Religious
Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act,” already approved by the Illinois
Senate. Once adopted, Illinois will become the 14th state plus the
District of Columbia, to treat all of its citizens equally under state
marriage laws. More details are available on Facebook at and on Twitter at @IllinoisMarches.


NOH8 portrait of Congresswoman Robin Kelly, IL02

NOH8 is every where! 

As the nation prepares for the imminent U.S.
Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage
Act and California’s Proposition 8, the NOH8 Campaign on Monday
released portrait photos of 67 new members of Congress
standing in support of marriage equality. 
This year’s NOH8 On The Hill
Campaign featured a record-setting number of Congressional participants,
Congresswoman Robin Kelly, of Illinois’ 2nd District.  The class of 2013 brings the total of Congressional participants in the NOH8 portrait campaign over three years to 100 members.

Congresswoman Kelly said: “Love can
never be silenced. We’re created equally and therefore have the right
to love equally and I am proud to stand up for that right.”

The iconic NOH8 portraits, created by NOH8 Campaign
co-founders Adam Bouska and Jeff Parshley, feature individuals posing
with duct tape over their mouths to symbolize the voices of equality
being silenced by laws like the discriminatory
Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8. In addition,
the NOH8 face tattoo worn by participants symbolizes solidarity with
others who are also standing up for equality. 


Boystown Business Owner says SHAME SHAME to Illinois Lawmakers

The owner of Elixer, Halsted’s Bar and Grill, Hydrate Nightclub and
Replay says “Shame, Shame!” to politicians who let gay marriage in
Illinois fall through the cracks.
“I was extremely disappointed and, like many of us, I had high
expectations that I felt were warranted given that we have a
Democratically controlled House and the majority of citizens in this
state are in favor of legalizing gay marriage,” said Mark Liberson, who
owns Elixer, Halsted’s Bar and Grill, Hydrate Nightclub and Replay
Some in the community feel the politicians should  NOT even be allowed to be in the Parade this year!  What do you think?

Gay Marriage Battle is About to Heat up in Illinois

SPRINGFIELD, Ill.— Despite urging from President Barack Obama in his
home state and fierce on-the-ground campaigning, a legislative measure
that would have made Illinois the 13th state to allow same-sex couples
to marry didn’t rally enough support from lawmakers in the House.

bill’s sponsor, Democratic Rep. Greg Harris, gave an emotional
testimony before lawmakers, explaining that he simply didn’t have the 60
votes the measure needed to pass and wouldn’t be calling it for a vote.
For weeks, he’d been furiously lobbying his colleagues, including
members of the House Black Caucus.

(I know that artwork depicts California – but I thought it was fitting)

“Several of my colleagues have indicated they would not be willing to
cast a vote on this legislation today … and I’ve never been sadder to
accept such request,” he said. “They asked me for time to go back to
their districts and reach out to their minds and hearts.”

After a string of marriage equality victories across the
country, the legislature in Illinois has failed to deliver. With earlier
passage of the bill in the Senate, active support from the Governor, and
enthusiasm and energy from supporters in the House — same-sex couples in
Illinois were ready to celebrate their love and equality. 

But today, the House let us down.

On May 30, 2012, Lambda Legal and the ACLU of Illinois each
filed lawsuits
on behalf of same-sex couples seeking the freedom to marry.
Lambda Legal represents 16 same-sex couples and their children from across the
state. The couples have been together between 6 and 48 years, and 10 of the
couples are raising children. Barring same-sex couples and their children from
marriage is a violation of the Illinois Constitution’s guarantee of equal
protection and due process.

Denouncing what they
are calling the “Epic Fail / Epic Betrayal” of Illinois Democrats
failure to pass SB 10, the state’s equal marriage rights bill last night, gay
activists and their allies are calling an emergency response protest for 8 PM,
Saturday, June 1 beginning at the corner of Halsted and Roscoe Streets in

With a recent
poll showing Illinoisans favoring the equal marriage rights bill by a
nearly two-to-one margin, and Democrats holding a huge majority in the Illinois
General Assembly, the usual excuses of pro-LGBT legislation being held up by
Republican conservatives didn’t hold water.
What should
have been a cakewalk instead became an epic fail.  Activists are denouncing what they say was a
consistent failure by the bill’s sponsors to reach out to other minority
communities and involve the LGBT community itself in messaging, and instead ran
a top-down corporate campaign such as has been responsible for previous epic
failures, such as California’s Proposition 8.
Speaker Mike Madigan, the de facto
leader of the Illinois Democratic Party, is responsible for this abject
betrayal,” said Andy Thayer, long-time equal marriage rights activist and
co-founder of the Gay Liberation Network. 
“Anyone who knows anything about Illinois politics knows that
Speaker Mike Madigan owns the House – if he had insisted on a positive vote
from his caucus, it would have passed. 
Madigan has repeatedly shoveled millions of tax dollars to his wealthy cronies,
leaving the state’s finances in a total mess, but when it comes to passing
civil rights legislation, he refused to spend any political capital.”

protest is sponsored by the Gay Liberation Network and the Civil Rights
Agenda.  For more information, contact
the Gay Liberation Network at 773.209.1187 or email 

WATCH  REP. GREG HARRIS’s  Moving Speech


Illinois GOP Chair Pat Brady FORCED TO RESIGN Over Gay Marriage Debate


Illinois Republicans have just forced state party chair Pat Brady to resign because of his support for gay marriage.

Brady, rather famously, came out in support of gay marriage in
January of this year, and even made phone calls to lawmakers urging them
to support gay marriage legislation before the Illinois legislature.

And now he’s politically-dead, killed by a Republican party so
permeated with hate and intolerance that even in a moderate-Republican
state like Illinois, the GOP just couldn’t stomach having a gay friendly  man as
party chair.

In 2013, when 11 American states have already legalized gay
marriage, Illinois Republicans are so hateful and bigoted that they
would destroy a man for daring to speak out in favor of civil rights.

If the state of Illinois DOES NOT PASS Marriage Equality, it will be a sad day, for our State. 


Are all Republicans Against Gay Marriage?

Illinois  lawmakers return to Springfield this week from a two-week break. That means Marriage Equality will be back on the table.

NOM IS READY TO FIGHT US! They are THREATENING  Republican officials!

Meanwhile, NOM is rattling its sabre again, reiterating its pledge to spend $250K to defeat GOP legislators who support same-sex marriage:

“Any Republican in Illinois who betrays
the cause of marriage will be casting a career-ending vote and will be
held accountable to their constituents,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s
president. “We will spend whatever it takes—hundreds of thousands of
dollars if necessary—to remove them from office, just as we did three of
the four turncoat Republican state Senators in New York who were
responsible for gay ‘marriage’ passing there. We will not hesitate to
support pro-family Democrats to replace them, as our record in New York


Marriage Equality March in Chicago and 50 States

Next week,  the Supreme Court will hold historic hearings on
DOMA and Proposition 8.
These cases – which
challenge the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
and California’s Proposition 8 – are fundamentally about whether LGBT
Americans can enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities as everyone

March 25,  26 and 27, there will be rallies happening around the US.
CHICAGO’s will take place March  25th  5:30-7:30pm
@  Federal Plaza   50 W. Adams St., Chicago, Illinois 60604

presence and that of your friends and others will make a difference in
the continuing national struggle for equality for all. Join us as we
rally next to the Federal Court in Chicago’s Federal Plaza, corner of
Adams and Dearborn Streets, at 5:30 p.m. on March 25, 2013. 

The Rally
will be followed a candlelight march from Federal Plaza to Pioneer Plaza
(By the Tribune Tower). Please remember to bring a candle. Please
spread the word and add your friends to this invite. Tell the SCOTUS we
demand Marriage EquALLity Now!

Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) and Gay Liberation Network (GLN) are
supporting organizations. Check  FACEBOOK  for additional details and

Illinois Governor Reduces State HIV Funding = Cuts to ADAP

More cuts coming to ADAP.

Governor Pat Quinn released a proposed $35.6 million state budget on
March 6 that would reduce state HIV/AIDS funding by $4.27 million, or 16

to President Obama, many people with HIV will gain new health insurance
coverage through the Affordable Care Act, providing partial relief to
the state’s AIDS Drug
Assistance Program (ADAP),” said David Ernesto Munar, President/CEO of
the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. “
Illinois has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reinvest ADAP savings to fund HIV prevention
and service programs that will reduce new HIV cases and improve health outcomes.”

the Governor’s proposed budget, total state HIV spending would drop
from $26.23 million in FY13 to $21.75 million in FY14. AFC has learned
from sources at IDPH that the
funding cut would come from ADAP, which provides life-saving
medications to people with the disease.

2014, many current ADAP clients will transition to Medicaid or
subsidized private insurance programs available through new online
insurance marketplaces, also called exchanges. 
This shift will reduce the need for state spending on ADAP.  “Allegedly”. 

is a communicable disease,” continued Munar. “The scientific evidence
is clear that when people with HIV receive clinical care, treatment, and
other essential services, the risk for
further HIV transmission is substantially decreased.” 

“About half of people with HIV are
not receiving medications or medical care,” said
Ramon Gardenhire, AFC’s director of government relations.
“Illinois should reinvest the savings from the ACA to connect people
with HIV to medical care: culturally sensitive boots-on-the-ground
outreach workers, substance abuse
and mental health treatment resources, and stable housing and
transportation options. Illinois should reinvest in these services since
the unmet need is so great.  Doing so will reduce new HIV cases and
future medical spending.”

enacted, HIV funding would be cut for the third year in a row. Since
2011, Illinois has reduced state HIV funding by $9 million, or 30

funding cuts have resulted in dramatic decreases in the availability of
HIV prevention, housing and supportive services across the state,” said
Gardenhire.  “It’s time for Illinois
to stop this trend and fund targeted investments that will help lower the burden and cost of HIV upon the state.”

ensure that people with HIV continue to receive services, the General
Assembly must immediately act to extend Medicaid coverage to all
low-income people, including people with HIV.

Sponsored by State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) and Sen. Heather Steans (D-Chicago),
Senate Bill 26,
pending in the Illinois House, would
authorize Illinois to take advantage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
to provide Medicaid to about 342,000 low-income Illinois citizens who
are currently uninsured, including thousands who are living
with HIV/AIDS. Thanks to health reform, Illinois will be able to offer
Medicaid to this population at no expense to the state for the first
three years, and in later years the state will never pay more than 10
percent of the coverage cost.

26, if approved by the Illinois House, would shift costs for HIV
medication from the state to the federal government, yielding savings to
Illinois that could be used to strengthen HIV
care and prevention efforts.

together with HIV/AIDS medical and community-based services
organizations, calls on the Illinois General Assembly to reverse the
proposed funding cuts and pass SB 26 to gain federal
funding to provide HIV care through Medicaid.

urges advocates to join us in Springfield to lobby for important
HIV/AIDS issues in April and May of this year. Contact Lucy Baglin at
for more information on Medicaid advocacy. 


Illinois Republican Chairman Pat Brady is in Hot Water for Vocally Supporting Marriage Equality

THIS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2013, is the last and final big vote for Marriage Equality in Illinois. It has successfully passed the Senate, and Tuesday the House will vote. 

 The majority of Illinoisans are hoping that their state legislature
will move to legalize same-sex marriage this year — and are more
passionate in that belief than opponents of such legislation.

In a Crain’s/Ipsos poll of 600 Illinois adults, 50 percent of respondents supported the marriage equality bill that the state Senate approved last week.
On the other side of the issue, only 29 percent of respondents opposed
the bill, while 20 percent said they were unsure or had mixed feelings
about the issue.

HOWEVER, Republicans in positions of power ARE NOT ALLOWED to be pro-Marriage Equality!  HOW CRAZY IS THAT??

Just last month, Illinois Republican Chairman Pat Brady started calling on lawmakers to support marriage equality.
At the time, Brady said: “Giving gay and lesbian couples the freedom to
get married honors the best conservative principles. It strengthens
families and reinforces a key Republican value – that the law should
treat all citizens equally.”

Now the shit has hit the fan!
Many Republicans are calling for his resignation. Even NOM demanded Brady step down from his post.

Brady received a phone call in which he was told GOP leaders plan to meet next month to discuss his possible removal. The phone call Friday afternoon
informed him that party bosses are calling a special meeting at which
they’ll discuss why Brady publicly bucked the party line on same-sex
marriage, as well as other issues such as fundraising, Brady said.

Brady  spoke to Crain’s Chicago Busine about the news:

 When Brady was asked if he’s willing to
change his mind on the issue, he said “Absolutely not. The more and more I talk to people, the more I’m
convinced. (Allowing same-sex marriage) is the right thing to do.”

The GOP meeting is scheduled to take place March 9. Brady said the March 9 special meeting will only reinforce a negative
image of the GOP as a party of “old white guys,” though he said he’ll respect the process.

URGENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday, February 25th, Republicans are being urged to call the Capital Switch Board  217-782-2000  and they are supposed to urge them to vote against the homosexual “marriage” bill!  

We  must call in SUPPORT OF THE BILL!

Republicans are also urged to call 217-525-0011  and voice that Brady needs to resign.

WE MUST CALL and PRAISE  BRADY for his stand on Marriage Equality.



Marriage Equality is Coming to Illinois!


               OF YOUR TIME!!!
The sponsors of the marriage equality bill in the Illinois General
Assembly are ready to move the legislation to a vote. Equality Illinois
is dedicating their efforts to leaving no stone unturned to achieving that

With your help, Equality Illinois has been working hard across the state to strengthen public support for marriage equality.
However, as you may have heard from reports today, our opposition is
gearing up as well, attempting to flood the lawmakers with their
negative messages.

We need to keep the momentum going and make sure the legislators hear from you! Can you take a moment and send an email to your legislator TODAY?
Please be sure to include why marriage equality matters to YOU and make
it personal. AND, don’t forget to share this on Facebook, Twitter and
with your friends and family!

We can’t pass this bill without your help.
That is why in
the weeks leading up to lame duck session we will be keeping you
regularly updated and asking you to take regular action. 

The time is now to act and make marriage a reality!

Just fill out your zip code! And you can automatically send out a message to your legislators! It’s so fast. PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD!


RAHM Pushes for Marriage Equality in Illinois

 “The time is right” for marriage equality,  says Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel.
He has thrown his considerable political weight behind getting a same-sex marriage bill passed in Illinois. 
The mayor had a letter to that effect published in Tuesday’s Chicago Sun-Times, and he followed that up with a conversation with The Advocate, noting in both that the results of last week’s election make this an opportune time to continue the push for equality.

Chicago Chick Fil A Boycott Today

While the local Chick Fil A owner says ““We are a family of deep Chicago roots – my husband and I both came from
city worker families (teachers, police, laborers) and Steve is a city
worker,” she noted. She also said they’ve supported, hospitals, schools,
churches and even LGBT groups.” – really?  I would like to see where and how she made a LGBT donation last year.  Still, a portion of all food sold goes to the CEO who then pumps a couple million a year into the anti gay movement.

Sure. We all have freedom of speech. And Chick Fil A and many other businesses may be against gays. But yet there is a debate about whether or not people should patronize Chick-fil-A restaurants.

a corporation openly supported organizations dedicated to racist or
religious discrimination, would those who support Chick-fil-A support
such a business?

Probably not openly, but their desire to support an openly anti-gay corporation shows their bigotry nonetheless.

Please do the right thing.  Join the boycott. 

More importantly, help spread the boycott.  Join the 4:30 PM boycott re-launch event today (Wednesday, Aug. 8) at 30 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago (near
the “Chicago” stop on the Red Line el).  We will have posters and
stickers available so that you can take a direct role in helping spread
the boycott.  Please join the Facebook event here and then invite your Facebook friends to also participate.


Rahm Emanuel Say he will Block Chick Fil A From Opening any More Stores in Chicago

Chick Fil A backlash continues!!

Chicago Alderman
Proco “Joe” Moreno says he won’t allow Chick-Fil-A to open a restaurant
in his Northwest Side ward because of the company’s anti-gay worldview,
and Mayor Rahm Emanuel is offering his support, the Chicago Tribune reports:

you are discriminating against a segment of the community, I don’t want
you in the 1st Ward,” Moreno told the Tribune on Tuesday.

stated his position in strong terms, referring to Cathy’s “bigoted,
homophobic comments” in a proposed opinion page piece that an aide also
sent to Tribune reporters. “Because of this man’s ignorance, I will now
be denying Chick-fil-A’s permit to open a restaurant in the 1st Ward.”

The alderman has the ideological support of Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

“Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago
values,” the mayor said in a statement when asked about Moreno’s
decision. “They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents. This
would be a bad investment, since it would be empty.”

The proposed restaurant, in the Logan Square neighborhood, would be the second to open in the Windy City.

The Mayor of BOSTON, has also vowed to KEEP  CHICK FIL A OUT of their city!!
I am SO PROUD, that our Mayor, Rahm Emanueal and the Mayor of Boston has stood up to this company!

If you are eating at the store on Chicago Ave, PLEASE STOP!!

Lauren Silich, the owner of Chicago’s sole Chick-fil-A, is asking Emanuel to have a sit down to iron things out.

The Chicago Tribune reports:

[Silich] invited Emanuel to meet her, her husband and
management staff at her restaurant.
 The mayor’s office had no immediate

In an interview today, Silich addressed Emanuel’s comments.

“I get it,” Silich said in an interview. “I’m from here as well.”

“I just want people to know there’s a local face to this
controversy,” she added.

“We’re not a corporate face. We love our city.”

In a letter sent to the media, Silich also said that she and her
staff are committed “serving all of our guests with honor, dignity and
respect.” She went on to highlight Chick-fil-A’s immediate economic
impact: “We alone created 97 jobs this past year and our passion is
building leaders for future generations, regardless of sexual
orientation or beliefs.”

While this may be true, she may not believe what the CEO believes, and she may treat gay people “with respect”  HOWEVER. a portion of ALL PROFITS go to fight GAYS AND LESBIANS.

So go to another chicken shack! It is sad this local store is caught in the crossfire.



Gay Liberation Network August 1st Meeting

Chicago ’s Multi-Issue, LGBT
 Direct Action Group!

attention to equality and liberation for LGBTs, against America ‘s wars,
supporting labor and immigrant rights, and more, the 
Gay Liberation Network
is there. 

We meet at 7 PM on the first Wednesday of each month at the
Berger Park Cultural Center , at the northeast corner of Sheridan Road
and Granville Avenue (about 3 blocks east of the “Granville” Red Line el

See you AUGUST 1st!  at 7pm.


Candace Gingrich in Chicago March 29

It’s poetic justice (or perhaps just an accurate reflection of real
life) that GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has a half sister who
is not only lesbian, but also married and a gay-rights activist.

Candace Gingrich-Jones visits Northeastern Illinois University for a speaking gig Thursday 29.

Accidental Activist: A Personal & Political Journey

 March 29, 2012

Thursday   7pm  FREE

The Accidental Activist, the title of Candace Gingrich-Jones’
1996 autobiography, captures best her path to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender (LGBT) advocacy well. Her involvement in the movement for
queer equality began in 1995 when her brother, Rep. Newt Gingrich,
R-GA., was elected House speaker and she had an opportunity to make her
voice heard. Since then she has not stopped advocating for the issues
importance to the LGBT community.


The Bible and Homosexuality 101

As some of you readers may know, a certain person, who shall remain nameless, has been harassing Best Gay Chicago, trying to shove bible quotes down our throats. He has actually been calling our office 20-30 times a day, and the police are now involved. His own church, urged us to get a restraining order.

The postings have generated lots of comments – and someone from PFLAG  Detroit posted this:

The Bible has long been used by
society to discriminate against, and persecute gays and lesbians. Careful
study, however, reveals that while the Bible does condemn homosexual and
heterosexual cult prostitution, it says nothing about loving committed
homosexual relationships. Jesus himself said nothing about homosexuality,
which leads many to believe it was not one of his main concerns.

Unfortunately, many passages from the Bible are often taken out of
context, or interpreted without consideration for the cultural aspects
associated with the time period in which they were written. To emphasize
this point, consider the following sentence: “He was such a neat
man.” In order to understand the writers meaning, you must consider
the time period in which it was written. If this sentence were written in
the 1900’s it would be assumed that the word “neat”, was a
reference to the man’s tidiness. If it were written in 1996, however, the
word “neat” could be interpreted to mean both tidy, or the
presence of admirable qualities.

Many versions of the Bible exist. Each reflects the limited scientific
knowledge, personal beliefs of its translators, and the social beliefs of
the time period in which it was translated. Personal biases, and societies
prejudices have unavoidably distorted the Bible’s many translations. In
addition, it is sometimes difficult to find a current word that accurately
defines the Hebrew or Greek term in question. Unfortunately, this has
resulted in the mistranslation of some of the more ambiguous text
contained in the Bible. 

Perhaps the two most widely abused verses used to condemn homosexuality
come from Leviticus.

You shall not lie with man as one lies with a women; this is an

Leviticus 18:22

If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them
have committed an abomination; they should surely be put to death.

Leviticus 20:13

First of all, the Holiness Code of Leviticus was written primarily as a
ritual manual for Israel’s priests. Christians today are not bound by the
rules and rituals described in Leviticus.
(Galatians 3:22-25) If
Christians today insist on using this passage to condemn homosexuality,
then they are also bound by the other rules and rituals described in

Among other things, the Holiness Code of Leviticus prohibits:

Sexual intercourse during a women’s menstrual cycle


Wearing certain types of jewelry

Eating certain kinds of meat

Wearing clothing made from blended textiles (cotton-polyester

Cross-breeding livestock

Sowing a field with mixed seed

Eating or touching the dead flesh of pigs, rabbits, & some
forms of seafood

Men cutting their hair or shaving their beards

The Holiness Code also endorses polygamy and requires Saturday to be
reserved as the Sabbath. Obviously, it is unfair to use these passages to
condemn homosexuality, while ignoring the fact that most Christians do not
follow the rest of the rules and rituals outlined in the Holiness Code of

It should also be noted that the word abomination was translated
from the Hebrew word
toevah and means something found detestable by
God because it is unclean, disloyal, or unjust. The term
is generally associated with idolatry and the Canaanite religious practice
of cult prostitution. (Ezekiel) Given
toevah’s strong association
with cult prostitution it is unlikely that this passage applies to loving
responsible homosexual relationships.

PFLAG Detroit does an awesome job analyzing the bible and I encourage you to take a look. It gives us good ammunition, for when we are attacked by those preaching the bible.


Barack Obama Book By Chicago’s Hermene Hartman

How cool is this?

 Fund this new book, The Barack Book, for a $25 pledge, and you get a copy of the book, when it comes in November!

It’s like putting your order in advance now – and helping bring this very awesome book to the marketplace.

2012 many books will be published on President Obama as he comes up for

Chicago’s Hermene
Hartman, Bob Starks, and Derrick Baker have a unique perspective on the
man.  They were there from the beginning.  And Barack is their friend. 

the long-time publisher of N’DIGO, a weekly targeted at Chicago’s black
middle class, Hartman was the first to cover the young, black Chicagoan
rising in the political ranks.  First he was her friend, then he became
an Illinois senator, and then the President Obama we all know today.
 Hartman and colleagues Starks and Baker recognized the political
potential of Mr. Obama early on and since 2003 have covered him from a
unique black Chicago perspective.

you have supported Obama from the beginning, now is your chance to
remain involved in spreading the man’s worldwide significance via The Barack Book.

books published or movies made is a tough business these days.  Artists
and writers are taking it upon themselves, to get their own seed money,
to bring their products to the marketplace.

This trio  of writers  are using Kickstarter to fund the creation of The Barack Book 
and need your involvement to help cement President Obama’s legacy. 
They have less than 3 weeks to raise the $15,000 needed to get this
project off this ground. And if you pledge $25 – you will get a copy of
the hardcover book, when it comes out this November. If you can pledge
more, there are  even more incentives!

Please help fund this very important book from Chicago, on Barack Obama.


From Illinois to Hollywood – Elliot London

Filmmaker Elliot London

is one to watch in Hollywood.

The charismatic director/producer calls himself a dreamer, and now
he’s offering you the opportunity to share his dream of making a movie
that’s very close to his heart.

The 30-year-old London, born in Australia, but raised in America,
says growing up gay was not always easy, especially in Rockford,

With that in mind, his latest short film, The Wedding Dance, tells the story of marriage equality — but he promises, with a twist.

London plans to start shooting in Los Angeles in a few weeks, but
like so many small independent filmmakers, he needs additional funding
to complete the project, so he’s taken the unusual and highly creative
step of using social media to entice investors who can actually receive a
credit on the film. chatted with London about his journey from America’s Heartland to Hollywood — and what it was like to intern for Jerry Springer along the way!

Like most small independent films these days, the filmmaker must raise their own  funds. London is currently trying to raise $5,000 – and he already has  $4,400!  He just needs  $600  within the next 16 days, to get things rolling!   Stop by his page  and find out more, how you can help!

(Did you see his  short  called   306?  Set in Chicago, IL, this 11 minute short film
shows a day in the life of a young man. Without a single word spoken,
‘306’ is full of emotion and shows us exactly how Eric (played by Brian
, from Wisconsin) feels at all times. Beautifully shot and great acting.


Equality Illinois’ 2012 Gala: Justice for All FEB 11

see and be seen!

 At one of the most elegant, important  and fun LGBT events of the

With over 1,000 guests in attendance, including elected officials,
candidates, and other VIPs, the Gala is one of the most impactful ways
to support full equality for LGBT people.

This is the biggest event of its kind in the Midwest!

The  most  amazing Silent Auction, I have ever seen! 
With over 150 items! 

Hilton Chicago
720 South
Michigan Avenue

6pm – Midnight

Learn more and purchase your tickets today.
Simply click above   or call 773-477-7173.
Tickets  start at $300
We look forward to celebrating with you at the Gala!

Equality Illinois (EQIL) was founded in 1991 to secure, protect and
defend equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
throughout Illinois. In 2000, the Equality Illinois Education Project,
our 501(c)(3) arm, was created to focus on the educational and
charitable aspects of the mission. EQIL�s initiatives extend throughout
every sector of Illinois life, reaching individuals and organizations
both in the LGBT community and the mainstream, across the private,
public, and nonprofit sectors.


Equality Illinois Contributions to Help LGBT Rights Advancement

A personal letter, from Bernard Cherkasov, Equality Illinois..

As you know, this year has indeed been a year of tremendous successes for LGBT people in the state, including Illinois becoming just the sixth state to legalize civil unions. Because of your generous support of LGBT equality work and the efforts of supporters like you, we have taken a significant step toward full equality for every family in Illinois! 

There is so much more to do to achieve full equality for LGBT Illinoisans. We have an incredible about of work to do in 2012. If you have not yet done so, please make an additional tax-deductible, end-of-year contribution to help Equality Illinois move forward with our statewide educational work next year. 

My thoughts keep returning to the individuals and families for whom we fight every day. I think of the impact that our LGBT-rights progress has on them and our larger community. I am thankful for the greater protections and safeguards that are available in Illinois. Yet, there is still so much work to be done.  

That is why I ask you to stand with us as we move forward in our battle for equal protections under the law. Will you, please, make an additional tax-deductible, end-of-year contribution to help us advance our aggressive statewide LGBT-rights agenda?

LGBT Illinoisans are counting on 
your support, and we cannot succeed in achieving full equality without you. 

Thank you again for your support. Let’s keep moving forward!


Bernard Cherkasov
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Remember that your generous end-of-the-year donation to Equality Illinois Education Project, a 501(c)(3) organization, is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 
