Tag Archives: women

Womens Work Weekend September 13-15, 2013

 Women’s Work Weekend runs September 13 to 15, 2013, at Center on Halsted’s Hoover-Leppen Theatre. Find the schedule and information on the readings HERE.   


Tickets  ($5-$10)for the readings can be purchased ONLINE NOW.ere

Pride Films and Play’s Women’s Work endeavors to enhance the visibility of excellent
sreenplays and stage plays written by women with lesbian characters or

program is open to all women, regardless of sexual orientation, whose
writing is pertinent to the lesbian community and relevant to the world.

While gay scripts have had a steady production history – from Oscar Wilde to Tennessee Williams, Tony Kushner, and today’s brashest writers – lesbian scripts have a checkered history at best.

Your support of our Women’s Work Weekend  provides performance fees for artists, marketing for the festival, and enables writers from around the country to work with our Artistic Ensemble Members on these scripts, which are so full of potential.

Women’s Work Weekend runs September 13 to 15, 2013, at Center on Halsted’s Hoover-Leppen Theatre. Find the schedule and information on the readingsHERE.  
