Tag Archives: marriage equality
What Does Marriage Equality Mean? and How Will You Celebrate?

Plan now to attend the Equality Illiniois 2014 Gala in the Hilton Chicago
Learn more about the always popular silent auction and the program book
Go to www.eqil.org/Gala2/gala2.html for all the information.
So, how does this thing work? What if we already have a civil union, or
were married elsewhere? Where do we get a license and what do we need
to bring? Equality Illinois is ready to help you find the answers to
those and many other questions. Here’s how:
an Equality Illinois Marriage Forum. Thirteen are scheduled throughout
the state in December and January. Scroll down to the calendar for the
list of cities and to register, or CLICK HERE for information & to register.
Read the Equality Illinois Marriage Guide. This handy pamphlet answers many of your questions about getting married in Illinois. Click here to see the FAQs.
Marriage Legal Guide and Resources for Everyone in Illinois
advocacy organization for LGBT Illinoisans, stands ready to assist you,
your family and the state in understanding and implementing the new Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act.
Here are important resources:
marriage? What rights come with marrying a same-sex partner? The
answers to those and all of the frequently asked questions on the
workings of the Iaw can be found in Equality Illinois’ authoritative
legal guide, Marriage Rights in Illinois.
Couples already in a civil union will always be able to get married in Illinois by going through the same steps as any couple, proved they meet certain requirements (be the same parties to the civil union, not be in process of dissolving their civil union, etc.). They will incur the same waiting periods and process requirements as any other eligible marrying couple, except there is no fee for the marriage license.
Can I get married if I am in a civil union?
You can only convert your civil union into a marriage if you meet the requirements described above. If you convert your civil union to a marriage within a year of the law’s effective date, you can avoid paying a fee.
How much will it cost to get married if we are already in a civil union?
If you convert your civil union to a marriage within the one-year grace period, the fee for doing so is waived ($0).
Marriage Help Desk – At 773-477-7173 and info@eqil.org, the Equality Illinois Marriage Help Desk stands
ready to answer your questions or direct you to the correct sources to
find the answer. We are open for your phone call 11 am-2 pm
Monday-Friday at 773-477-7173. Or you can email the Equality Illinois Marriage Help Desk 24/7 at info@eqil.org.
being scheduled throughout Downstate, the suburbs and in Chicago to walk
you through the law and answer your questions. We will announce the
times, dates and locations on Facebook, Twitter, in emails and our website www.eqil.org as they get confirmed. Look for the events IN THE CITY AND SUBURBS.

And The Williams Institute says….
rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity
law and public policy. A national think tank at UCLA Law, the Williams
Institute produces high-quality research with real-world relevance and
disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media and the