If you want to prepare a special meal for your mom or special woman in your life, Chef Chris of My Private Chef is your man.
One of Bloomingdale’s favorite chefs returns to show you how to prepare a gourmet style treat for that wonderful woman MOM!
Chef Christopher Tong of the upscale Chicago-based private gourmet dining service, My Private Chef will give tips about ingredients and serving. And, everyone gets to have a taste!
The free demonstration will take place on Saturday, May 13, 2017 from 2-4 p.m. at the Bloomingdale’s Home & Furniture Store at Medinah Temple, 600 N. Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Culinary Kitchen on 1.
For more information about My Private Chef, contact Event Services at 773.370.8131 or visit their web site: www.myprivatechef.net