Billed as, “The podcast where straight men talk about gay things,” Yeah, Bro! is hosted by Milwaukee funny man/T.I.M. The Improvised Musical guru Jacob D. Bach.
Yeah, Bro! is doing it’s second ever live show this weekend, AUGUST 22nd at ComedySportz 420 S. 1st Street in Milwaukee.
Come watch as we do a special midnight show, where three guest panelists compete (for nothing) in games and trivia on gay history, pop culture, and personal questions!
Some categories: Hanky Panky, Who is that Person?, and But Maybe Just Once?
Nick Young (So You Think You Can Dance, GLEE, Ted 2)
Justin Barney (88.9 Radio Personality)
Kyle Ullsperger (Vollyball player and Model)
Tickets… $10
Reservations… 414 272 8888
Full Bar and Kitchen