Haters of Marriage Equality prepare their ATTACK in Illinois

November 20th – Governor Quinn signs the Marriage Equality bill. BUT While Illinoisans across the state are
rightfully celebrating the marriage victory, our opponents are launching
an attack. They are not only ramping up efforts to marginalize gay
and lesbian couples and their children, but are pledging to go as far as
creating obstacles to full implementation of the law and to unseat
lawmakers who helped pass the marriage bill.
As the New York Times reported just a few days ago,
some anti-marriage extremists are preparing to “run and elect people
who vote with us,” signaling their plans to break our 61-vote
pro-marriage majority in the House and 34-vote majority in the Senate.
ABC News reported a more direct threat: “A vote for same-sex marriage
from any of our legislators … means that you have seen your last days
in office.”
Here’s a sampling of what Equality Illinois is doing to defend our historic marriage victory:
we announced our statewide education and empowerment campaign, aimed
at increasing support for marriage equality, dispelling myths, and
empowering same-sex couples and their families to understand and use all
their state and federal marriage rights. We’re coming to you: from
Rockford to Carbondale to Chicago, and every place in between. We will
announce the where and when of the forums in the days ahead in emails,
Facebook and Twitter.
In the meantime, you can also read and download our Marriage Rights Guide here.
IMPLEMENTATION. Just as we had successfully done with
civil unions, we have already begun working with public and private
actors to help them fully implement the freedom to marry. And our
corporate best practices manual will help corporations and businesses
smoothly and efficiently roll out equal benefits for employees with
same-sex spouses.
ELECTIONS. With an over 80% success rate in 2012, Equality
Illinois PAC is the most successful and best recognized political
action muscle for the LGBT equality movement in Illinois. We have
already allocated over $70,000 to defend early supporters of marriage
equality, and plan to spend an additional $180,000 by the end of the
2014 general election.
We achieved marriage equality in Illinois because you got
engaged. And we can only defend the newly-won freedom with your
Please join EQIL in their work by clicking here.