Cocktail Bar Closed Down Permanently This Time

Cocktail, a once popular gay bar in Chicago’s Boystown neighborhood at
the southeast corner of Roscoe and Halsted, has received an apparent
death blow this time. 

 Owner and landlord of the building, 3357-59 N. Halsted
Street, LLC,  seized all property on the premises.

According to witnesses, signs were
put up by the landlord and movers with a large truck
removed everything in the bar.

Cocktail  had filed for
Chapter 11 protection in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in August  2012.
However, the owner and operator of Cocktail, John “Geno” Zaharakis,
failed to comply with orders of the bankruptcy court and the case, along
with its protections, was dismissed on January 8, 2013. The dismissal
allowed the owner of the building to legally proceed with asset seizure
in an attempt to collect and alleged $85,344.55 in rents.

Cocktail and Zaharakis have been embroiled in financial problems and
subsequent litigation since March of 2011. The lawsuits allege tens of
thousands of dollars in delinquent rents, monies owed to former
employees and other defaulted payments.

Cocktail has been closed two different times in the last year due to
temporary license revocations related to unpaid taxes. 

It is rumored the landlord will open a new gay bar there in late Spring. In time for gay pride!
