Santa Speedo Run 2 Hits Boystown Dec. 1st

The 2nd Annual GAY Santa Speedo Run of Chicago takes place this Saturday, Dec. 1st at 1pm.
speedo sporting enthusiasts who thought “why not run down Michigan Ave. in speedos in the middle of December?!” While the event itself is a
bunch of ho ho ho’s, the event to raise awareness for
braved the freezing temperatures and shed their running clothes in favor
of red Speedos to run one mile through Andersonville in the first
annual Santa Speedo GAY Run. The event organized by Karl Sponholtz and his
partner Jeff Colgan was a benefit for Vital Bridges.
This year, the gay run is moving to Boystown.

This year’s sign-ups are already exceeding last year’s numbers, so the duo decided to move the event from Andersonville to Boystown, PLUS, the weather for this weekend could be near 60! As opposed to last years freezing 28 degrees!
There is a $25 fundraising minimum to participate in the event, which
consists of running one mile in the cold, clad in nothing but a santa
hat, running shoes and a speedo, or some other holiday-themed costume. Over 300 people are expected to participate.
There will be a prize for the top fundraiser as well as a Christmas
raffle. DS Tequila has generously offered half-price food for all
participants on the day of the run and a myriad of other local
businesses, like Taverna 750, Burke’s Public House, Windy City Sweets and Sagin, LLC, have donated to the raffle.
Sign-ups start at noon at Sidetrack,
3349 Halsted St., with the run itself scheduled to take place at 2:00
p.m. For more information, or to see pictures from last year’s event,
check out their Facebook page at and RSVP to their Facebook event.