Center on Halsted offers many Transgender focused and HIV Programs

July at the Center on Halsted….
July 2nd, 2012 – Charm School
– 7:15 to 8:30 PM
– Charm School is hosted by Mamma Gloria and topics include transgender image, etiquette, and charm. This event is open to all young, transgender persons.
July 3rd, 2012 – Intersex Chicago
– 6:30 to 9 PM
– Are you intersex? Have you ever felt you fall between the male and female check boxes? Intersex people physically differ from the “standard” male and female. These differences might be genetic, hormonal, or genital. We have features typical of both male and female at once or may have no clearly defined sexual features at all. There are many different kinds of intersex people.
– Intersex Chicago is a peer-led casual conversation group for those who identify as intersex or think they might be. It is also open to significant others, family, friends, allies, or anyone with questions.
– Meet other intersex people at Intersex Chicago. Make new friends. Find out more about intersex. Explore and celebrate your difference.
July 3rd, 20102 – Bisexuality Discussion Group
– 7 to 9:30 PM
– An evening for bisexuals, bi-curious and bi-allies to form community, share ideas and connect with peers
July 4th, 2012 – HIV+ Support Group (22-34)
– 6 to 7:30 PM
– For anyone living with HIV regardless of length of diagnosis, we offer HIV+ Support Groups. Our support groups run on 10-week cycles and are age-specific. The groups are facilitated by a mental health professional with extensive training in HIV and STDs and are a safe, confidential space for people who are living with HIV to share their experiences, to learn from each other, and to find support from others who may be going or may have gone through similar circumstances. Pre-registration required.
July 4th, 2012 – GenderQueer Chicago
– 6:30 PM
– GenderQueer Chicago is a grassroots, peer-led group that works to create safe spaces for all of us to talk about, think about, explore, and express gender. Meetings are intended to be a safe, encouraging and supportive environment. They are open to those who wish to talk and think about gender!
July 6th, 2012 – Trans Amor
– 6:30 to 9 PM
– A peer-led, casual conversation group open to current partners of gender non-conforming/transgender identified individuals, as well as those considering entering a relationship with someone who is gender non-conforming/transgender. T-Amor is always open to individuals of any gender identity/sexual orientation.
July 6th, 2012 – Man Cave
– A peer lead, casual conversation group, for those 18 and older, who identify as female to male, transgender individuals, or are female bodied and are questioning their gender. First and third Fridays of each month.
July 7th, 2012- HIV+ Support Group (22+)
– 12 to 1:30 PM
– For anyone living with HIV regardless of length of diagnosis, we offer HIV+ Support Groups. Our support groups run on 10-week cycles and are age-specific. The groups are facilitated by a mental health professional with extensive training in HIV and STDs and are a safe, confidential space for people who are living with HIV to share their experiences, to learn from each other, and to find support from others who may be going or may have gone through similar circumstances. Pre-registration required.
July 9th, 2012 – Charm School
– 7:15 to 8:30 PM
– Charm School is hosted by Mamma Gloria and topics include transgender image, etiquette, and charm. This event is open to all young, transgender persons.
July 10th, 2012 – The Confident Modern Family
– 5:30 to 7:45 PM
– Join us for wine and hors d’oeuvres to learn how to create the modern family. There will be a panel discussion on the emotional, legal and financial complexities that LGBTQ families face. In addition, we will also give an overview of adoption and surrogacy options.
July 12th, 2012 – Parents of Transgender Individuals
– 7 PM
– A peer lead, conversation and support group for those who are the parents of individuals, who identify as Transgender, or are questioning their gender.
July 12th, 2012 – HIV+ Support Group (35+)
– 6 to 7:30 PM
– For anyone living with HIV regardless of length of diagnosis, we offer HIV+ Support Groups. Our support groups run on 10-week cycles and are age-specific. The groups are facilitated by a mental health professional with extensive training in HIV and STDs and are a safe, confidential space for people who are living with HIV to share their experiences, to learn from each other, and to find support from others who may be going or may have gone through similar circumstances. Pre-registration required.
July 14th, 2012 – 3656 Trans Ave
– 6:30 PM
A series of seminars and workshops of interest to members the broad Trans community, including, those who identify as female to male, male to female, as well as, gender queer as well as, their significant others, family members, friends, and allies.