Civil Unions in Illinois and Estate Planning May 16

Robert Iverson, an attorney at Lavelle Law, Ltd. will give a seminar at the Center on Halsted entitled, “Civil Unions:
Important Estate Planning Considerations.”
The seminar will take place on Wednesday, May 16th from 6:30 -8:00 p.m. The Center on Halsted 3656 North Halsted.
The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act became effective on June
1, 2011. The law recognizes a new legal relationship that is in many ways similar to marriage,
but with certain limitations. Iverson will review the law and explain the rights and benefits of
Illinois citizens with Civil Union status. The seminar will include information about obtaining and
dissolving a Civil Union in Illinois, inheritance rights, the right to renounce a partner’s will,
factors involved with making important health decisions for an incapacitated partner, as well as
issues such as filing a joint state income tax return. “The new legislation is a big step for Illinois,
but it is important that partners fully understand what their union means legally,” said Iverson. “I
hope that, after the seminar, participants will have a clearer picture of the rights afforded by the
law, and how to best move forward with their legal relationship.”
Following the lecture, Iverson will make time for questions and an interactive discussion
about the law and its impact on those present.
Iverson focuses much of his practice at Lavelle Law on Estate and Tax Planning, Trust
and Estate Administration, Trust Controversy Litigation, and Contested Decedents’ Estates.
While attending John Marshall Law School, Iverson earned the CALI Excellence for the Future
Award in Taxation of Trusts and Estates and served as a Staff Editor of the Law Review.
Space is limited for the event, so pre-registration is required. To register for the event,
email with the event title in the subject line or call 773-472-6469 ext436.