Found In Town – Lost and Found Service

Did you LOSE something?

Did you FIND something?

First step –

What is Found in Town?

Found in Town is a community-based lost
and found program that creates an easy way to facilitate returning
lost items to their owners. FiT operates through a network of local
bars and nightclubs committed to helping out the members of their

How does it work?

Users can register here for free to receive FiT tags for their personal belongings. All tags will bear a unique serial number, or FiT code, and will instruct the finder to visit in the event that it’s found, where and when an anonymous message can be sent to its owner.

How many times have you left something in a cab? Found In Town (FiT)
is a new company based in Chicago that recently launched its free
online service that facilitates reuniting owners with their lost or
misplaced items. “120,000 cell phones are lost annually in Chicago taxi
cabs alone. Imagine how many keys, wallets and jackets are lost,” said
Zach Haller, of Lakeview, CEO and founder of Found in Town. “Everyone loses things.
People want to return lost items, but they often don’t know how. We make
it easy and hassle-free to be a good Samaritan.”

Zach, a  Minneapolis native has stated the business is slowing growing. Less than 1000 participants signed up and he
has solicited four Boystown bars to advertise on the key-chain tags. But
the brand recognition necessary to make the service extremely helpful
isn’t there yet. “I think people may see the sticker and
think, Found in Town? I don’t get it.” –  soon though, it will catch on!

