Thinning Hair …and Rene Furterer Treatment at Ambra Spa in Chicago

I was getting my hair cut a few weeks ago and my stylist, who has cut my hair for a couple years, mentioned how thin my hair was getting on top. I guess I hadn’t noticed. I am 6’3″ and don’t really see the top of my head in the mirror.
So I called Ambra Salon and Spa – where I had went last year for an amazing facial and the BEST eyebrow shaping in Chicago (by Didi Ayala) I have ever had!
Back to my hair. I knew they had a great salon and wonderful European skin and hair products. So I called and talked with Vicki, a specialist who was trained in Paris under the guidance of the Rene Furterer company. She booked me an appointment to come in.
“It’s never too late to start treating your hair,” she explained. “In France, they have young children, boys and girls start treating their hair at about 8-9 years old! But as long as you have some hair, you can definitely slow down the loss process and possibly still stimulate new growth.”
She analyzed my hair then proceeded to give me a scalp massage and treatment using this amazing Complexe 5, made for thinning hair. The Furterer company use a lot of plant extracts and essential oils. These help stimulate hair growth. It smells and feels amazing! Then I sat under heat for about 10 minutes, and was washed out using Furterer’s Forticea Stimulating Shampoo. More essential oils and plant peptides to help restore hair.

Treatments can be done at home. Of course, it’s not quite the same. But I purchased both the the Complexe 5 oil and Forticea Shampoo- and have been doing the process about once a week. My hair feels amazing afterwords! I have only been using it about 3 weeks- so it is too early to see results. But I am confident – the Furterer company has been around for 50 years. They are known all over Europe for their hair and scalp products. (*sidenote- when my 75 year old Mother was in town for the holidays, I got her hooked on the products and purchased at set also from Ambra.)
Ambra Salon and European Spa has several great product lines from Europe that are hard to find here in Chicago. It’s a cosmetic shoppers paradise! Next on my list to try is Biodroga skin care. From Baden-Baden, Germany, Biodroga has been around since the 1950’s. They have everything from repair formulas to fix skin, to anti time formulas to slow down the aging process. They have a complete line for men and everything is made in Baden-Baden, known for their amazing thermal baths.
A trip to Ambra Salon and European Spa downtown is a MUST!
One West Superior, Second Floor 312.337.5055