Face it!
Have you thought about it?
While many older adults suffer from health issues stemming from stigma, isolation and unequal treatment, aging dilemmas for gay men are even compounded by other than just medical issues.
Citing a 2009 study, a report noted that lesbian couples’ Social Security benefits are typically 31.5 percent smaller and gay couples’ benefits are 17.8 percent smaller than are those of heterosexual couples.
Family members provide about 80 percent of long-term care in the United States, but that’s not the case with LGBT elders, since they are more likely to be single, childless and estranged from their biological families, said the report.
That’s just the beginning of the cycle of discrimination. The stunning report cited “official policies, laws and institutional regulations” that offer same-sex partners few of the resources afforded to spouses and biological family members.
Center on Halsted and AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA ) are doing a survey to collect data on the health and psychosocial needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender older adults who live in Chicago. This is only the 2nd survey of its kind to ever be done and the first in the Midwest.
Participants must be age 50 and over and identify as LGBT. The survey takes 45 minutes to complete and the participant will receive a $25.00 debit card as a “Thank you”. All information is anonymous and confidential.
THEY NEED PEOPLE NOW! The survey deadline is January 28th. PLEASE, if you are over 50, call for an appointment. It would be a HUGE HELP for the COH.
Researchers suggests LGBT older adults are more likely to rely on friends and family of choice than on more traditional caregivers such as family members and children. As the family of choice network ages, there may be more of a reliance on formal support systems that may not be prepare to meet LGBT needs.
For those interested in taking the survey, please contact Betty at 1(773)472-6469 ext 448 or bakins@centeronhalsted.org to set up an appointment.
Best Gay Chicago.com
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