Restaurant Deals and Discounts All Over Chicago


We just found the newest
Restaurant Discount Club! 

It’s called 

“VillageVines gives food lovers access to preferred pricing with their city’s most popular restaurants. We make your dining experiences more convenient and more affordable, and we do so by partnering with the best dining establishments – from the restaurant icons to the up and coming gems.”

Here’s how it works:

  •  Each day we highlight a handful of restaurants from among our carefully curated list of the best spots in your city 

  •  You choose where to dine and use us to make your party’s reservation before the offer expires 

  •  You pay $10 to secure your exclusive pricing (typically 30% off your party’s entire bill – food and drink!) 

  •  Your discount is applied to your bill at meal’s end – no coupons, no phone calls and no hassles!

How cool is that?

Check out Village Vines today !
