Blogger and Publisher Nathan Manske Brings His I’m From Driftwood Tour to Chicago!

Im From Driftwood
comes to CHICAGO!
Dates are approximate right now –
They hope to be in the city around
November 21-23.
Nathan Manske is the creator and editor of the gay, true-stories blog I’m From Driftwood and a freelance copywriter. He is indeed from Driftwood, Texas, but has lived in Brooklyn, New York since 2003.
The I’m From Driftwood tour project started in 2009 to show LGBT youth that we are all humans, all have a story and we live everywhere. We are all from Driftwood.
Nathan and his blog were addressing teen’s and coming out for over 2 years. “There are gay stories from every corner of the Earth and I think they should be told. To the gay teens struggling to come out and deal with their sexuality, who to this day still attempt suicide 4 times more than straight kids, it says “you are not alone.” Other people have dealt with similar situations, families, communities and churches, and have overcome and are now living happy lives. It can happen for you, too. It gets soooo much better, I promise. Hang in there, kiddo!”
They will be filming a documentary and are currently traveling to all of the 50 states.
Visit Im From Driftwood for more information. Follow the 50 State Tour !
We’ll have more details as they become available!!