DuPage College Has Anti-Gay and Hate Groups on Campus
You think we live in a tolerant city in the Midwest…not so. Don’t be fooled.
Many think Gays and Lesbians DO NOT deserve rights.
The College of Dupage, based in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, (but with a large campus here in Chicago) is one of the larger community colleges in the nation with 31,000 students. A few days ago, this hideous opinion piece published in the October 29 edition of its student newspaper, The Courier. He compares homosexuality to INCEST and PEDAPHILIA!
The piece was authored by WAYNE LELA, and by the extremist group HOME , Heterosexuals Organized for a Moral Environment.
Lela, in addition to staging anti-gay protests at college campuses, and once running for U.S. president, has the backing of NARTH, the wildy discredited group whose “research” is often cited by anti-gay groups. Lela has been active in the anti-gay movement for some time.
The paper’s editor can be reached at editor@cod.edu.
TOWLEROAD actually first broke the story. And he contacted the editor.
TODAY, TOWLEROAD reports, “I received an email from the paper’s editor, Vikaas Shanker, today, which I’ll share:”
“The Courier will print an editorial in this Friday’s issue (Nov. 5) which will address the decision to print Mr. Lela’s letter in the Oct. 29 issue. Due to space issues, we will not be able to print all letters to the editor, but we will print the petition sent to us and some letters from the college community. Most other letters will go on the web in a viewable PDF format. All letters are subject to editing for grammar, style, language, length and libel as stated in our Courier policy.”
Wait and see I guess. I contacted to editor also – and he has not responded. I am sure his in box is FULL!