Best Gay Bar Outside of Boystown and Best Mens Underwear in Chicago host Project Runway Finale

in Uptown (4804 N. Broadway) 
will host a PROJECT RUNWAY
 Grand Finale party and
underwear fashion show!
Thursday Oct. 28th

Do you think you know who will win Project Runway this year? You pick the winner and CREW will buy you a drink! 

The show starts at 8pm –  I would get there a little early, if I was you.  $3  pints  all night 

PLUS, following the finale,  EGOIST UNDERWEAR  will put on a fashion show. EGOIST is new to Chicago and provides Mens premium underwear & clothes. Andrew Christian, Cocksox, Baskit, Gigo, XTG, N2N, Pistol Pete, Joe Snyder, Obviously, Ajaxx63, Ginch Gonch, Gia, Good Devil, Frank Dandy, Man Zone, Pipe, Intymen and MORE.

CREW BAR   4804 N. Broadway
EGOIST    3706 N. Halsted

Best Gay Chicago
