THE B – 52s are coming to HOUSE of BLUES Chicago, October 7th. And check this out! House of Blues would like to invite the friends and supporters of BEST GAY CHICAGO.com to see the B-52’s at the House of Blues, with a special “two for one” discount. Go to LIVE NATION and enter the password “loveshack” to take advantage of this special discount.
Can you believe the B-52s have been around since the late 70s?! It has been said that the B-52s are as quintessentially American as the Beach Boys. And twenty-five years and over twenty million albums into their career, the B-52s remain the among the most beloved rock stars ever.
Any mystery concerning the longevity and ongoing appeal of the B-52s is immediately solved when exposed to the B-52s unique concert experience. From the timeless gems of “Rock Lobster,” “Planet Claire” and “Private Idaho” to the more recent classics of “Channel Z,” “Love Shack” and “Roam”, the B-52s unforgettable dance-rock tunes start a party every time the music begins.
At the time of their greatest achievements, however, they suffered their greatest tragedy — the death of guitarist Ricky Wilson from AIDS. “He really had a vision…,” said sister Cindy Wilson. “He was one of the strongest elements of the B-52s from the beginning.” Ricky Wilson’s passing in 1985 came just after the sessions for Bouncing Off The Satellites (1986). The album, dedicated to Wilson, had taken nearly three years to complete but was worth the wait, serving up the fan favorites “Summer of Love” and “Wig.”
In 2008 the B-52s released their first new album in 16 years, the aptly titled Funplex. With its primal guitar hooks, driving drums and the B-52s’ unmistakable vocal style, Funplex is instantly recognizable as quintessential and contemporary B-52s. Newsweek Magazine declared, “Like a sonic shot of vitamin B12, the dance floor beats, fuzzy guitar riffs and happy, shiny lyrics keep the energy going.”
As the B-52s continue to take their party-music revolution into the 21st century they show no signs of slowing down, serving up their own unique blend of music and showmanship to millions of fans around the world. They have remained busy all these years! The B-52s, led by out gay frontman Fred Schneider perform upwards of fifty shows a year with old bandmates Kate Pierson, Cindy Wilson and Keith Strickland.
You would think, with all that success comes tons of money. Not so. “I’m not wealthy,” Fred told Howard Stern. “We only started making money after ‘Cosmic Thing’” – the band’s fifth album, released in 1989 that featured singles ‘Love Shack,’ ‘Roam,’ and ‘(Shake That) Cosmic Thing.’
Which maybe explains the existence of his new spunky musical venture, The Superions. According to their MySpace profile, The Superions are the “most exciting group to hit the music scene since Elvis or Lady Gaga.” While that’s a little farfetched, they are exciting, or at least off-the-wall, much like their famous New Wave forebearers.
Leave it to The Superions to save the holidays from the usual stale chestnuts and dull oldie retreads. Following on the heels of their multi-plat… er, real popular hit song “Who Threw That Ham At Me,” the 11 future holiday standards on Destination… Christmas! perfectly capture the many moods of the season: despair, avalanches, deranged abominable snowmen, leaden fruitcakes, and of course, laughter. High-energy dance songs mixed with numbers to chill to, The Superions do it all on Destination… Christmas!
Destination… Christmas! will be released on Fanatic Records on October 25, 2010 and is destined to be a perennial Christmas favorite!