Dining Out For Equality Wednesday May 19th

What are you doing for
dinner Wednesday night?
Better question –
WHERE are you going
to dinner Wednesday night?
Please join us on Wednesday, May 19, 2010, for Dining Out For Equality™
at your favorite or soon-to-be favorite restaurant. You will enjoy a great meal while showing your commitment to equality. Moreover, your restaurant captain will have vouchers for a complimentary Absolut Vodka cocktail redeemable at a number of local bars that night.
There is no cost to you, aside from the food or beverages you order.
Participating restaurants have generously agreed to make a contribution to Equality Illinois to help secure, protect and defend equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Illinois.

Visit our dedicated website at
Dining Out For Life
to View Participating Restaurants.
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