SIX major cities in the U.S.
are participating in the “Great Global Kiss-in” to mark this year’s International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO), which is officially Monday, May 17.
San Francisco — Monday, May 17, Kiss-in & Solidarity Speak Out, Harvey Milk Plaza
St. Louis — Sunday, May 16, Great Global Kiss-in, Citygarden, Corner of 8th and Market
Portland, Oregon — Monday, May 17, Great Global Kiss-in, Pioneer Square, 701 southwest 6th Ave, 2-3 pm.
Chicago — Saturday, May 15, Great Global Kiss-in, The Bean, Millenium Park, 3pm
Austin, Texas — Sunday, May 16, City Hall Plaza
New York City — Monday, May 17, Times Square, at the base of the red TKTS staircase
Birmingham, Alabama : contact arwen.storey@gmail.com.
International cities include London, Paris and Madrid and more !
“We are asking people to submit videos to www.youtube.com/group/greatglobalkissin and to tag their pictures on flickr with ‘GreatGlobalKissIn’. Alternatively they can submit them via gays.com/idaho.”