Theatre Wit in Chicago Has Grand Opening This Month!

THEATRE WIT (formerly theBailiwick Theatre ) is opening this month!
Theater Wit dedicates itself to producing plays that are both funny and smart. With groundbreaking new plays and classic works, we seek to engage our audience with wit and wisdom.
Come by and see the brand new, beautful performance home. In honor of this decade of effort, they are making the first two weekends of performances of Spin free to the public.
Performances begin April 22nd!
They also have a host of parties, tours and toasts for you, so check out the schedule of events on the left and join them for the launch of Chicago’s greatest new performance space.

When Brent loses his high paying job as an art director for a big name advertising firm and goes through a divorce, he falls back on his Plan B, resolving to remake himself. With a host of good intentions and self-help books about Buddhism he takes in a street kid and renounces worldly possessions. But when tempted with prestige and cash by an old advertising buddy, he sells his life over to a beer company. Literally.
When his best intentions bring him to a couch, a bomb, a celebrity hostage and the contempt of his co-workers and girlfriend, some serious self-examination is in order. The first comedy in a decade by Jeff-award winning playwright Penny Penniston, whose last comedy, now then again, ran for over 17 weeks at the Ivanhoe theatre, Spin is a farce that questions our own identity in the middle of a consumerist culture, and challenges us to consider what happens when consumerism ends and we need to rediscover ourselves.
Check out the Theatre Wit website for lots of cool opening parties!~
1229 W Belmont Chicago, IL 60657 773-975-8150