Equality Illinois and Civil Union Lobby Day in Springfield



This FREE event is sponsored by Equality Illinois.

SAVE THE DATE!  Thursday,  April 22nd!


Join us  at the   Illinois State House  as we lobby our legislators
 for passage of   SB 1716 – the Civil Union bill.

Free Buses will depart at 7am from:
Chicago @  The Equality Illinois office – 3318 N. Halsted Street

Oak Park @  Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church – 405 S. Euclid Avenue
  (the  bus will make a brief stop in Bolingbrook from 7:30-8am at
    Denny’s Restaurant – 126 East North Frontage Road – Exit 267 off of I-55 South (Stevenson)

Carbondale @ Church of the Good Shepherd – 515 S. Orchard Drive
 (this bus will make a brief stop in Belleville from 8:45-9:15am at
   St. Paul’s United Church of Christ – 115 West B St.
    Please note that the pick up/drop off point will be at the corner of 2nd & C Streets.  


All buses will drop off attendees at   The Hoogland Center for the Arts  420 South 6th Street, Springfield, Illinois   at approximately 11am.  Anyone taking alternate transportation should meet us there.
Lunch will be held from 11am-12:30pm, during which  we will discuss effective talking points and lobbying your legislators.
Attendees will have a chance to   meet with their legislators from 1-3:30pm   at the State House.

A debrief, reception and dinner will be held from 3:30-5:30pm
All buses depart Springfield at 5:30pm
Civil Union supporters from the entire state  are welcome and encouraged   to join us in Springfield!

including those arriving in Springfield via alternative means of transportation.
Reserve your space for Civil Union Lobby Day!

The Best of Gay Chicago
