is the longest running Off-Broadway show in history! It started in 1988 in New York City and has been playing in Chicago about 15 years.
It is a unique theatrical experience that has won over the hearts of thousands of people, in over 100 cities worldwide, including Japan, Australia and many European cities.
At Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding, audience members actually play the roles of Tony n’ Tina’s family and/or friends. You a part of the show and experience. You become part of the Long Island Italian families festivities. And you don’t have to bring a gift!
It’s an interactive show with a crazy cast that features 2 Brooklyn families – the Nunzio’s and the Vitale’s. Big mouths and little class! Tacky, campy, kitschy and cheesy. It’s very spontaneous and you are never quite sure what you’ll you experience. The show is three-fourths improvised, with the actors depending more on “beats” of structure than dialogue. “The conga line goes exactly the same direction at exactly the same time every night,” explains the director. But you’re never quite sure what Mama Vitale will say TO YOU!
The extremely pregnant maid of honor drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney. Tina’s ex-boyfriend, crashes the party in a last-ditch effort to win her back. Maddy a girl from Tony’s pop’s joint, does an impromptu musical number. Father Mark , the priest who officiated at the wedding ceremony, gets blitzed on scotch and is unable to stop himself from being brutally honest to anyone he speaks with. And then there is Tina’s gay older brother who is a hoot and more than willing to do the $1 dance with you!
Do not expect to simply be an observer at this show. You’re a part of the production – relax. Join the fun. Be spontaneous and go with the flow. There is food. An average Italian “Boo-Fay”. Some mostacolli, bad salad and bread, and some wedding cake. But you’re not going for the food – you are going for the show. Mama Nunzio apologized for the bad food. “Those damn cheap ass Vitale’s!”
So if you haven’t been part of the excitement then get a group together and come down and join in on the fun, because at Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding you’re not just a member of the audience, you’re a friend of the family!! The Chicago show is running thru the end of the year – and it is rumored, they will be taking a break and coming back with something new and different in 2010!
NEW YEARS EVE is a riot because the wedding goes on all night!
Join the family for a special performance on December 31! Dance the night away with music from DJ Monty, and sip champagne as you watch the ball drop from the comfort of Vinnie Black’s Coliseum! The party goes until 2am. Call the box office and mention this article…but hurry!
Pipers Alley, 230 West North Ave. Old Towne Chicago, IL 60610 312-664-8844
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